Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Santa Claus is Coming to town....

We made letters for Santa!  We practiced reading and writing some new sights words : mom, dad, me, love.  The friends cut things out of magazines to make a Christmas wishlist for themselves, mom, dad and others.  

Here is an example of another letter to Santa.

When our letters were all finished, we placed them in an envelope, addressed them to Santa Claus and put them in our special mailbox in our dramatic play center....Santa's Workshop!

Here are some friends delivering presents in our Santa sleigh in our dramatic play center !  So much fun !!!

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Friday, 4 December 2015

Christmas Fun !

Nikki woite a list of Christmas words in English and French!  Amazing !
Lucas and Mason built the Polar Express.  They made a sign and built a train track right through the bottom of their structure!  WOW !!!
Here is a list of Christmas words written by Bailee.  Look at that neat printing!!
Here are some friends telling the story of Christmas using the Nativity characters and stable.  

Here are some friends at our gift wrapping station in Santa's Workshop.  The children are loving this dramatic play centre.  Thank you to all the parents who donated items to add to our toy shop.  

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Monday, 16 November 2015

Dog, dinosaur, dolphin, Dad....they all begin with the letter D !

Today we learned about the letter D.  We made a list of words beginning with D and of course, sang our letter song. Here is the song below is also in our VIDEO section.   Don't forget to practice at home !

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Patterns, patterns everywhere!!!

Check out this video we watched in class all about patterns!  The children loved it!  Try using things at home to make patterns too!

Here is a pattern that Ruby made!

Nathan made a pattern using crayons.  We can make a pattern with so many different things!

Here are two patterns made by Mason!

Monday, 2 November 2015

Rocks Inquiry

How many rocks can you stack?
Mason stacked 5!

Poppy Poppy what do you say?

Remembrance Day Poem
Les coquelicots de Helena. 
Masson a fabriqué 8 coquelicots. 
Le beau coquelicot de Carmen. 
Merveilleux Bryelee-Jane. 
Trois petits coquelicots pour Nikki. 
Tessa's beautiful field of poppies.