Thursday, 22 October 2015

What a mmmm...marvelous day !!

Today in our morning message Mrs. Mendonca asked us to think of words that begin with letter M.  Here is our list.  We are getting better at learning our letter sounds.  Check out the letter M video at the bottom of today's post ( also in our video section)  and practice you M sounds at home too !

Here is an example of the great Halloween writing friends are doing in class.  Great job Bailee!!!

One of our friends made a great jack-o-lantern face....looks fantastic !

Monday, 19 October 2015

Fire Safety is Important!

Today we had a fire safety presentation for all our kindergarten friends in the Learning Commons (Library).  A firefighter came to talk to us about fire safety, what to do to prevent fires, and what to do in case we have a fire in our home.  Each student will be bringing home a fire safety colouring book to read and talk about.  It is important to have a fire escape plan at home too.  

The children watched a video with Sparky the fire safety dog.  Ask them about some of the things they learned.  

Each student practiced how to crawl under the smoke to escape safely.  

Mrs. Morris dressed up in real firefighter gear.  All the gear keeps the firefighter safe during a fire.  If you need help in a fire, someone dressed like this will come to help you, it is important not to hide, they are there to help.  

Friday, 16 October 2015

The Feast day of St.Marguerite d'Youville

Today at the Art Centre, Mrs.Morris made some Halloween tracers for us to use to make some Halloween art.  Tracing is a great fine motor task.  Here is Elroei's picture.  She even went to the Writing Centre to add words to her picture.  Good for you !!

Here is Charlie's tracing art.  Excellent tracing and colouring.  That looks like a scary jack-o-lantern!!!

Today was the feast of St. Marguerite d'Youville.  Each student got a special medal in honour of St. Marguerite.  Remember to put it in a special place at home.  Thank you to our school principal, Mrs Giles for these beautiful medals. 
To celebrate the feast day, the whole school gathered in the gym to have a "feast".  We ate our lunch together as an SMY family. 

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

See what we are learning !

These are the pumpkins at our science centre,  We are describing them and exploring their shape, colour , texture etc...

Here are some of our observations.
Today, we started to explore making patterns. 

Today we learned the song, "Five Little Pumpkins".  It is in our video section if you would like to sing and practice the song at home.   At the Art Centre, we used paper, glue and scissors to make our very own creation to go with the song.  Here is Elroei's art.

Here is Nikki's art.  She even drew stars in the night sky and a witch in the air!

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Fall Fun !!

We have been learning about questions and answers in class.  A question ends with a question mark.  This is one of our questions of the day.  Each friend answered the question with their magnet.  More friends in our class went apple picking than not, however the results were close !!

One fall activity at the art centre was tracing fall shapes.  This was excellent fine motor practice.  Here is Jade's picture.

This is Nikki's beautiful picture.  She traced fall shapes, then coloured them and added some great details. 

Mme Vadeboncouer read the students the book, The Leaf Man.  The students used the leaves that they collected outside to make their very own leaf people.  Here is Mason's creation.

We learned about fall colours.  Our friends learned and practiced writing colour words at the writing center.  This friend even wrote the colours in French....Bravo!!!
We learned a new song called, Way up High in an Apple Tree.  It is a subtraction song.  Check it out in video section of our blog.  These two friends are playing "teacher" and practicing the song.  

Last week, Mrs. Mendonca put some play-do, googly eyes, feathers and popsicle sticks at the Art Centre.
The friends were creative with these materials and made turkies.  Here is Carmen's turkey...great job !