Thursday, 30 April 2015

What did you do today?

1.  Today, I wrote a sentence with the word "J'ai".  Mme Carroll did a happy dance because I wrote a sentence in French.  (Alicia)
2.  Today, I made Mme Carroll to a funny dance because I wrote a French sentence.  (Victoria)
3.  Today, I played "Crash" with Mme Ouellette and Alrizha.  We were practising our French letters and sounds.  (Par Par)
4.  Today, I played in the sensory bin.  I planted plastic flowers and they grew in one second. (Justin)
5.  Today, at the Art centre, I painted tulips.  (Mason)

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

What did you do today?

1.  Today, I read a book called Le pigeotrouve un hot dog.  (Mikkel).
2.  Today, I made a helicopter (hélicoptère) at the Art centre.  (Justin)
3.  Today, at the block centre, I made an jet plane (avion à réaction) with snap cubes.  (Mason)
4.  Today, I played a game, with ten frames, with Alicia.  (Alrizha)
5.  Today, we went outside to pick up some garbage.  (Caleb)

Thursday, 23 April 2015

What did you do today?

1.  Today, we made superheroes.  We shared them in French during sharing time.  (Caleb and Arjan)
2.  Today, I made a present for Mme Carroll.  I shared it with the class.  (Alicia)
3.  This afternoon, we will be going to a special presentation called "African Rhythm Safari".  (Justin)
4.  Today, we counted syllables in French words we chose.  (Alrizha)
5.  Today, I made a label for the grass.  (Katherine)


We are sending home the blankets to be washed.  Return them Monday.  Have a wonderful PD day!

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

What did you do today?

1.  Today, at the Art centre, I made a picture.  I drew "lignes droites", "une spirale", and "lignes zigzag".  (Cyrus)
2.  Today, with Emma, I made a Barbie puzzle.  (Elroei)
3.  Today, at the Science centre, I looked at the spider we placed in a jar.  In the jar, there is piece of banana and half a grape, and a stick.  (Mason)
4.  Today, we counted syllables in our names.  We tapped our hand for one syllable, our arm for the second syllables, our shoulder for the third syllables and our head for the fourth syllable.  (Caleb)
5.  Today, I made a pattern at the Math centre.  I used pine cones and glass stones.  (Alicia)

Soggy Monday !

It was a VERY wet day today!  It rained all day, but we kept busy with all of our wonderful learning inside our classroom.

Here's what we have been up to over the past few days:

We are continuing our plant inquiry and last week Mme Ouellette helped us plant beans in two ways.  First, we soaked them in paper towel or cotton balls and placed them in a plastic bag.  All of the bags are taped in the window so they can get some sunlight and we hope to see them sprout.

Here are all of our beans taped to the window.  We hope they get enough sunlight and begin to sprout!

 Next, we planted a few beans in our sensory bin along side our grass.  Maybe they will grow big and tall just like our green grass! It is getting so long!  Today, we found some objects in the classroom to measure against the grass. Some blades of grass are as long as a pencil crayon, but they aren't as long as a straw yet!  We will keep watering the grass and it will grow taller everyday.  We also added some extra nutrients looks like dirt, it feels like dirt, but it smells like coffee!!  That's right, we added coffee grinds to half of the grass in our sensory bin to see if it helps it grow even more!

Justin and Marcus made some plant signs to label where we are growing grass and where we are growing the beans.  Our grass is getting long!!

As for the beans, we are wondering if we can grow a tall beanstalk just like we read about in Jack and the Beanstalk.  We liked the story so much, that we built our very own beanstalk for the puppet theater.  We also made handmade puppets at the Art Center last week so we can retell the story at the dramatic play centre.  Some of the characters are, Jack, the Giant, Jack's mom, the old man etc... Some of the props in the story are the golden eggs, the golden coins, the harp etc...  We are having fun telling the story or being part of the audience.


You will never believe what we found in our classroom today...a spider!!!  But, we didn't step on it, we put it in a jar.  Mrs. Mendonca poked holes at the top of the jar....a few minutes later, the spider escaped because one of the holes was too big!  Oh no!  We quickly fixed the hole, and started to observe the spider.
This is our spider.
Alicia observed the spider and drew a picture of her observations.

"What do spiders eat?", we wondered.  So we did some research on the Ipad.  Most spiders eat bugs and other insects, some eat fruit and leaves.  Well, we didn't have any extra bugs lying around, so we put in one of Matteo's grapes from his snack, and a small piece of Bailee's banana.  We also added a stick for our spider friend to crawl on.

"What should we name the spider?" one friend asked.  So , we brainstormed a list and made a graph.  Everyone voted for their favouriite spider name.  Can you look at the graph and tell which name had the most votes?

Friday, 17 April 2015

What did you do today?

1.  Today, in the gym, we saw hockey games.  It was primary teachers against primary students, and junior teachers against junior students.  (Lakota)
2.  Today, in the gym, we heard the "Saint Pat's Band"playing.  (Allison)
3.  Today, we had a group snack.  (Caleb)
4.  Today, I saw that the grass grew.  (Matteo)

Monday, 13 April 2015

What did you do today?

1.  Today, I made a piece of art.  I made straight lines (lignes droites), curved lines (lignes courbées), spirals (spirales) and zigzags (lignes zigzag).  (Alicia)
2.  Today, at the workshop, I am learning French words, like ``le marteau``.  (Mason)
3.  Today, I planted some grass.  After, I watered the soil.  (Ayden)
4.  Today, after my line artwork, I practised saying ``ligne droite``, ``ligne courbée``, ``ligne zigzag``, and ``spirale``.  (Caleb)
5.  Today, I wrote a book, and at the front, I wrote French words for the steps. (Justin)

Friday, 10 April 2015

What do plants eat?

We have been hearing a lot of great questions lately as we have been teaching the students all about questioning, how to ask a question, the words we use to begin a question, and the funny looking symbol at the end of a question! All these things have become part of daily discussions and the children are getting to be pros at recognizing and answering questions.

Last week, Mason asked a great question, "what do plants eat?" , so we decided that we should explore this inquiry a little further.  Since it has taken so long for spring to finally get here, and we have yet to see the beautiful green grass outside, we thought, why not plant green grass inside? So that is what we have done....we turned our sensory bin into a grass garden! On Wednesday, Mrs. Mendonca read a great book by Eric Carle called The Tiny Seed, which talks all about the journey of a seed from being carried along by the wind, to growing into a beautiful, healthy plant or flower. Then, we all gathered around the sensory bin and planted a lot of tiny grass seeds. We are learning all about how to take care of the grass and what the grass needs to grow. We will continue to do some research to answer Mason's question about what plants eat, and we will discover new questions along the way. Stay tuned for more updates!

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

What did you do today?

1.  Today, I learned how to make a parachute.  I made a parachute for a Lego figure.  The parachute slowed down my Lego figure a little bit.  (Ayden)
2.  Today, I wrote "le lapin".  (Lakota)
3.  Today, I made a parachute with Arjan.  He helped me a little bit.  I learned how to make a parachute.  To slow the Lego figure down, I used string and paper and tape.  (Caleb)
4.  Today, we danced to "La danse d'Igor".  (Elroei)
5.  Today, we listened to a new song: "Mon âne".  (Justin)
6.  Today, at the Art centre, I painted with string.  (Mason)
7.  Today, we learned about different kinds of lines:  ``ligne droite, `ligne courbée``, and `ligne zigzag``.  (Victoria)

Mme Ouellette will be returning tomorrow morning, on a part-time basis.  Mrs. R. will be helping with the transition.  Mrs. R.`s last day of work with the butterflies will be April 20th.  We thank Mrs. R. for her hard work and dedication.  We will miss her lots!!!  

Holy Thursday

On Thursday, we learned about Holy Thursday in our class.  We talked about the Last Supper that Jesus had with his friends.  Jesus shared bread and wine with his friends before his last day on Earth. We enjoyed watching a video online about Jesus and the Last Supper. Then, we joined the other kindergarten classes in the library to witness a recreation of the last supper that Ms. Giles had prepared.  The table was set, with plates and cups and there was even some bread. We heard the story of the last supper from the children's bible and we shared bread with each other just like Jesus did with his friends.  We hope that everyone had a restful and blessed Easter weekend with their families.